The Logimat 2020 has been cancelled, please see the official press release:

The Logimat 2020 has been cancelled, please see the official press release:
!! at the moment only in german available !!
We look forwad to your visit:
For the good cooperation and the confidence placed in us in 2019 we would like to thank all customers, suppliers and employees!
We wish you and your family a merry christmas day and a happy Start into a healthy and successful new year!
The FasiBiS project, with the aim of establishing personnel development structures to secure skilled workers in the stamping and forming industry, is financed by the ESF initiative “Securing skilled workers: training and promoting equality”. The project supports small and medium-sized enterprises in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Increasing digitalisation in the world of work is also leading to changes in personnel management. New opportunities are emerging, but new challenges are also emerging in personnel development. As work processes change faster and more rapidly, employees* must become familiar with new technologies to the same extent. The qualification of employees* is thus becoming an increasingly important instrument in personnel management.
The starting point of the project is the current situation of the participating companies. By taking stock of the company’s (employment) situation, qualification requirements and qualification needs can be identified. The resulting qualification measures can range from instruction and instruction to continuing vocational training.
With the help of training pilots, who are provided by the company social partners in terms of personnel, the employees’ willingness to qualify is to be expanded and thus the company benefits are to be increased. The actors in the personnel sector should be enabled to recognise changes on the markets and in company processes at an early stage and to develop appropriate qualification measures in comparison with the existing qualifications of the workforce.
To this end, companies will be provided with various analysis methods as tools of the trade, such as job promotion analyses or personnel development programmes. The long-term goal is to enable companies to identify changes in good time and to derive and implement training needs and measures.
Our website is now available in four languages (German, English, French and Spanish).
In addition, we have improved the clarity and provided further information such as data sheets.
We are looking forward to your visit on !
Schulz Stanztechnik GmbH is a specialist for conveyor technology, toolmaking and stamping and forming technology in the field of
The Oekinghausen industrial estate continues to invest in the Halver site. On 03.09.2019 a furtherinvestment for the turning technology
division of the Halver-based company. It concerns aLathe QTC100MS from Mazak. With this machine it is now possible to work from
rod up to dm 65 mm and twospindles, e.g. the front and rear sides of the Halveraner ball transfer units can be manufactured in one pass. This allows
further variants of the ball transfer units with a shorter delivery or throughput time can be produced in Halver. Due to
the expansion of capacities in the area of turning technology, Schulz Stanztechnik can now, not only its own
products precisely and cost-effectively, but now also presents itself as a competent contract manufacturer,
in the field of turning technology.
In addition to modern machinery, Schulz Stanztechnik’s employees are the most important “asset”. From
for this reason an all-day workshop took place on 30.08.2019 with all employees, in order to jointly
How do we master the future together”. Schulz Stanztechnik has developed the renowned economist
Marcello Camerin, who comes from the craft sector.
Together with the staff, the tasks and responsibilities were discussed in various sessions and practical parts.
challenges of the future and openly discussing possible solutions. The joint results can be
and have exceeded the expectations of everyone involved.
Due to the mixture of modern machinery and motivated and committed employees, the company sees itself as a reliable partner for its customers.
Schulz Stanztechnik well positioned at Halver location!
Sources & Links:
New in our program – Spring ball transfer unit, adjustable
Our new adjustable ball transfer unit consists of a ball transfer unit with a housing and a cover as solid turned parts, a supporting ball and several supporting balls. Around this ball transfer unit there is another housing which serves as a body for the spring. Spring-loaded ball transfer units prevent damage caused by shock loads. The spring forces are adjustable by means of an adjusting screw!
Further information can be found at !